Battles We Face
Not one person is free from fighting battles in this life. The Bible states very clearly that we “WILL” have trials and tribulations.
There is one important point to consider when going into battle. Are the forces greater on my side than on my enemies’ side? It is never wise to go into battle knowing ahead of time that the odds are stacked against us, unless we have some power on our side that would make up the difference.
Jesus tells us that we can be of good cheer, we can experience peace, because He has already overcome the world. The same power that Jesus had to conquer the battle of He fought with death is ours by faith. No battle you or I might be fighting now is greater than the power of Jesus within us to win the battle.
Granted, battles are very difficult for the moment. But the victory has already been won for us by Jesus. There is victory in Jesus.
I am sure you have heard the expression, “Battle Hardened Soldiers.” That means they have experienced battles and are wiser and stronger because of it. The battles we face as Christians are designed to make us better soldiers for Christ, battle hardened soldiers!
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NKJV
Roman Cheslock says
Victory in JESUS,my savior forever, he sought me and bought me, with his redeeming blood. He loved me ere I knew him. And all my love is due him. He plunged me to VICTORY beneath the cleansing flood! An inspiring song from Eugene Bartlett. Our church recently sang this together. Though I have many fears and worries about the battle I’m constantly in as a follower of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have full confidence that the battle will be won by him in the end.