Israel will be the focus of the world as we get closer to the Lord’s return. That we are sure of. What we are not sure of is the exact date of His return. We are closer today than we were yesterday.
I have attended conferences where someone claims to have figured it out, only to be proven wrong. The Bible makes it clear that only the Father in Heaven knows the day, hour, and second when that will happen.
When there is so much darkness and evil being perpetrated around this globe it gives us, the Church, the opportunity to let our light shine. Light shines the brightest in the darkness.
As the world plunges, step by step, into greater darkness let our light shine before mankind. Let the light of Jesus shine through us.
Father give us boldness and courage to let the light of Jesus shine through us. Let us not be intimidated by the darkness all around. Father, teach us not to fear man and what man can do to us. Father, teach us to fear You!
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 NIV
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