New Years Resolution
Well, it is that time of year where I make a new resolution for the upcoming year. Last year my resolution was to meditate on, ponder, first thing every morning the phrase, Trust in the Lord! After considerable internal struggle I have a new phrase for the coming year, Follow Jesus Today!
That epitomizes what it means to be a Christian. We follow a person and not a religion or a set of rules. Oh, we may act differently, speak differently, dress differently, and think differently than the rest of the world. However, that is not because we follow sets of rules. Rather it is because we follow a Person and His name is Jesus.
I do not know where this journey will take me. My prayer is that it will lead me one step closer to imitating Him on a daily basis.
As a nation, 2025 began with much sorrow, pain, and questions as we were confronted with another terrorist attack. Such attacks are meant to destroy any trust we have in our nation and its leaders.
Friends, our trust is in the Lord, even when things go wrong. He wants us to trust Him enough so we will follow Him wherever He wants to lead us today.
“Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 NKJV
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