Strong Coffee
My morning routine is set. The cats insist on being fed before I get to do anything else. There is no way I would be able to write my morning blog without taking care of them. Cats can be so demanding when they want something.
After feeding the cats I make myself a strong cup of coffee. It gets me going. I don’t like weak coffee. To this day I don’t know how my mother could drink Postum, or just hot water in the morning.
As followers of Jesus, we need to get our strength to face whatever the new day brings our way. Spiritual strength is vital in our daily walk with Jesus.
In Africa, lions look to prey on the weak. Why? They are easy targets and offer little resistance. Satan looks to prey on the spiritually weak. Maintaining our spiritual vitality is extremely important. No one wants to fall prey to that character.
The prophet Nehemiah faced tough times when God asked him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He needed daily strength to be an encourager to the builders. He needed strength to oppose those who did not want the walls rebuilt. What was God’s answer?
Find joy in our relationship with God! It is hope, the joy we have in Him that gives us strength even in the most difficult times. Our spiritual strength to face the day comes from the joy of the Lord.
“This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 NIV
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Love this especially about Nehemiah