Unseen and Forgotten Treasures
Spring filled the air and that meant putting away the winter and bringing on the summer. As I pulled out my cooler clothing, I lifted up my “well loved” green cargo pants to the light and found a spot I must have missed last year.
“Well, friend, you get the spray and a spin in the washer, but first I need to check your pockets.”
I dug into the right side pocket and felt some folded paper. Must be an old shopping list, I thought. As I pulled it out and unfolded it, the face of George Washington smiled up at me. A dollar bill!
It was a small bill that would have gone unnoticed mixed in with the greater bills at a time of spending. But today it was a surprise treasure, unseen and forgotten.
Unseen and forgotten, isn’t that what God reminds us to do with our good deeds? Matthew 6:4 tells us “that your charitable deeds may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.”
Matthew 6:20-21 tells us “lay up treasure in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves break in and steal for where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.”
What constitutes a treasure in heaven? Could it be to sponsor and pray for a missionary, welcome a stranger, offer to clean house or help with small children, to write a note of encouragement, or give up your place in the grocery line.
A few years ago, I was juggling Sunday School supplies, herding small grandsons, and battling an exhausting cold, I dropped my Sunday School folder, and watched the contents spill all over the church floor.
As I reached down to pick it up, a woman I didn’t know well, beat me to it and handed them all back to me with a big smile. That kind act made my day and I trust laid up a treasure in heaven for her. A small act on her part, unseen and forgotten until that day when the Lord will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Good one Linda