All Our Days Are In God’s Hands
What happens to you when you get a bad report from the doctor? Or when your calm world is interrupted with what you perceive could be a disaster? You are living your life, and all is right in your world. The next day comes and your sense of security is shattered by a death, health crises or financial setbacks. If we live long enough all of us will experience one or more of these.
One day this week we received some news of a major health problem. I did my share of what ifs. What happens if and my mind had all the worst case scenarios playing out in my head. After my imagination ran amok, I settled down for some spiritual truths. Psalm 139: 17,18 states “How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.”
Before I knew about the problem I was at peace. When I learned of it, I lost my peace for a bit. But God knew of this problem, and He was in the situation all the time. He didn’t need me to play God and worry and wring my hands and try to control what I have absolutely no control over. Instead, He wants me to trust. So simple and yet hard. And this is where the rubber meets the road so to speak. But as for me I have put my trust in the Lord God. So be it, Lord. Our days are in Your hands.
so well said for the peace of God passes all understanding-we humans (esp. we women seem to forget that…praise God for His mercy and grace and care of our loved ones.
Knowing that we are all in his care, makes it all OK, either way