Karla Pawlicki
I am a native Iowan. My dad was raised in SW Wisconsin and I always knew I wanted to live in Wisconsin one day.
I was raised in the Catholic Church and regularly attended mass and feast day masses or holiday special services such as Stations of the Cross. I
was attending Stations of the Cross one Friday night during Lent and was shocked at how many cars were in the parking lot. As I walked into church, I was the only person in the sanctuary. All the cars belonged to people playing bingo in the church basement. My spirit was broken and I suddenly felt lost.
Around this time, a friend from school invited me to her church. That was the beginning of the change in my heart. Some people can tell you exactly where they were and the day and time they accepted Jesus in their heart. My “conversion” happened over years as I couldn’t believe a loving and righteous God could forgive me and ALL my sins. Certainly, I wasn’t worthy. But, God used His Word, as well as the counsel of friends, my faithful, high school friend, and pastors to convince me, I too, was worthy of salvation.
Before taking the job of administrative assistant, I served God and His people as a nurse for almost 40 years. I decided to retire my stethoscope and pick up a laptop to serve God and His people at FBC.
My husband, Gary, and I have lived permanently in the north woods for the past 5 years with our rescue dog, Duke.