A Fretter From Way Back
I’ve heard it said that there are 365 verses in the Bible about fear not. Wouldn’t that just be like our Father to put a verse on fear not, for each day. Life presents us with countless examples of why a person would fear. Loss of a job, loss of a spouse, loss of health and the list goes on. I’d love to be able to say at my old age, fear of what if, does not affect me anymore. But the fallen vessel I am, that wants to love and trust our Jesus completely still stumbles. Will I ever get to that place of perfect trust and say with confidence God has this? Not just say it but rest in the knowledge God has whatever it is. All I can tell you is; I’m working on it.
I take heart though. In reading the gospels the Apostles walked with the Son of God on earth for three years. They witnessed His miracles, the feeding of the multitude, the healings, the raising from the dead. And yet Jesus had to tell them on occasion, do not be afraid. I can identify with this. In walking through tough times and in the dark with no answers, if we belong to Him, He will be with us and make a way. I’m sure each of us can tell a story how God was there during our troubles. And it is my thoughts, He lets us go through some troubles to show us He is faithful and trustworthy.
In John 16:33 Jesus talking with the Apostles says; “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Great news for an old fretter like me.
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