Some days I come home more emotionally exhausted than others. There was a time when I came home physically exhausted, but those days are behind me. Whether emotionally or physically exhausted, when I walk through the door to the house, the last thing I want to hear is, I need you to take care of this or that or do this or that.
At that instant I have a choice to make. The choice I have made many times over the years and one I will be making until I can no longer walk. When there were kids at home, the need might lie in one area. Now that they are gone, it lies in a totally different area. None the less, the decision is always the same. Am I going to bust an attitude or am I going to understand my wife needs me to take care of something that she really needs done and has been “waiting” for me to come home to handle.
I have not always made the right choice of first setting my “needs” aside. God then reminds me that my attitude falls far short of what a loving husband’s attitude needs to be.
Jesus, thank you for coming to earth and giving me the “perfect” example of what true love looks like. Amen
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12 NIV
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