Free At Last
Can you imagine the joy those Israeli hostages felt when they were finally freed from those dark underground tunnels, where they were kept. Can you imagine the joy those mothers felt, when they realized it was their daughters who were chosen to be freed from captivity. I am sure if you asked them to put into words what each felt at that time they would say, words cannot describe what I was feeling.
There was a movie from the 1960’s called, Born Free. The point of the movie was that animals, namely lions, were born not to be our pets or to be confined in cages in zoos. They were born to be free.
Did you know that God desires us to be born free. The way humans get to experience being born free, what being freed from captivity feels like, is through what the Bible refers to as being born again.
Being born again is what sets us free and puts us on a path to heaven. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 ESV
The Bible says that we can know the truth and the truth will set us free. Enjoy your freedom in Christ today! You were born to be free!
Nice Pastor