Not Feeling Loved by God
All of us have had those moments, days or longer where we feel there is a huge barrier between God and us. We just don’t feel God’s love. Because we are not feeling loved by God does that mean He has stopped loving us?
Remember when Jesus was tempted by Satan to believe a lie what did Jesus do? Jesus quoted Scripture to him. Why? God’s Word is Truth and supersedes what we feel or what Satan wants us to feel or believe.
God’s love is constant, it is human love that is fickle. He does not love us more when things are going great and then love us less when we are having a “bad” day. God does not love us less when we are not feeling loved by Him. God loves you today the same as He has loved you since the day you were born. “Nothing can separate us from the Love of God!” Romans 8:38-39
God’s love is unconditional, human love can change by the hour. He does not love us more when we are “perfect” and love us less us less when we are “imperfect.” Jesus demonstrated that love when He died for sinners. We come as we are. He receives us as we are.
As believers in Jesus we are the children of God and are loved perfectly by Him, every second of every day whether we feel it or not. Why? God is love!
“But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore you did not desert them,” Nehemiah 9:17b NIV
Follow Jesus Today!
So true