Be Ready
On January 14, 2010, Diane Sawyer opened the NBC Nightly News broadcast live from Porte Prince, Haiti: “Above the skies are blue, but down here is hell on earth.”
I know her words captured the hearts of us watching in the safety of our homes far from the earthquake disaster. PAP, a once energetic and colorful third world city, lay in heaps of rubble and darkness. Masses of bricks and stones littered the streets making traffic difficult. Wounded survivors trudged the alleys in search of loved ones, bare hands clawed through the debris to rescue those caught beneath. Cries for help, food, and water echoed through the night.
As I awoke a few days later, my husband shared some encouraging news, “Linda, guess what country was the first country to set up a field hospital in Pap?”
“I Have no idea,” I answered.
“Israel,” he beamed. “When Israel received news of the Haiti earthquake, The Israel Defense Force (IDF) arrived in PAP 36 hours later and in 10 hours erected a field hospital complete with medical laboratory, pharmacy, ex-ray center, surgery and pediatric ward. The media is asking how Israel beat the USA to the scene?”
Those of us who know Israel’s history can answer that question, Israel is surrounded by enemies on all sides. She must be ready for emergencies; thus, her hospital was prepared. Without hesitation she reached out to help the people of Haiti because she was ready.
We, as believers, can learn from them. Someday the trumpet will sound, and the bridegroom will return. Will we be ready to meet him like the five wise virgins whose lamps were trimmed and waiting? Or will we be as the foolish five who let their lamps burn out?
Stand firm in your faith, my friends. Be ready to meet Jesus. He is coming soon!! Maranatha!
Matthew 25:13 – “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the son of Man is coming.”
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