It’s New
There is just something about coming home with something new that you have been wanting for some time. It could be something as simple as a new appliance, a new chair to replace that old worn-out but very comfortable one, or something as big a new vehicle.
When we get it home, we admire it and begin to put it to use. As the days, months, and years pass, that once new item begins to show its age. Its “newness” is gone. Things we buy just seem to have a way of wearing out.
On my birthday I would always get something new. The gifts were usually something I wanted like a new fishing pole, a new basketball, or football. But over time, guess what, they too wore out and needed to be replaced. Even our bodies which were “new” at birth, gradually wear out over time.
Friends, here is some great news. God has given to us “New Life.” That life never grows old. That life will never die. That life is forever new! How amazing is that.
Each day we wake up is a new day with our new life in Christ. There is nothing old about it. In fact, because of the new life in us, we discover new things about God that we never understood before.
Today, put a skip in your step. It’s a new day that you get to enjoy your new life in Christ. And remember this, one day God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth that will never grow old.
“Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” Revelation 21:1 NIV
Follow Jesus Today
waiting for that day…but thankful for each day He has given us to serve Him down here