Do you ever give thought that there are only two kingdoms in this world?
Remember reading stories as a child that began with Once Upon A Time, there was a lovely princess who lived in a faraway kingdom. She was good and kind. But in the story, there was also a bad, evil witch who wanted to harm the good princess. They were stories about good versus evil, the battle that ensues and that good eventually won. As children we could close the book and feel happy that the evil witch was doomed and that good won the day. Perhaps in a way these stories put hope in us that goodness rules and evil will be vanquished.
There is a veiled truth in these fairy tales we read as a child. As adults we can see good and evil playing out each day as we live on this earth. Jesus talked openly about His Kingdom and how to belong in His Kingdom. John the Baptist preached, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Colossians 1:13,14 states, He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. This is the good news. The bad news is that if we don’t belong to God’s Kingdom we are in Satan’s kingdom. Darkness and wickedness define his kingdom.
God gives us the freedom to choose good or evil. To live for Him, choose to follow Him or do what seems right in our own eyes, which leads to death. But God offers eternal life and His Kingdom of righteousness and peace. Like the fairy tales of old, there is a battle of good and evil. Choose this day whom you will serve.
Theresa Arts says
Powerful message!